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Medical Office or Hospital

Find out how DMEconnected will help you save time, while helping your patients save money on medical equipment and services. Join Today

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N.P. / P.A. (APP)

Medical Office or Hospital

Ordering medical equipment made easy for Nurse Practitioners and Physician's Assistant with DMEconnected. Join Today

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Home Health

DMEconnected will help you find the right supplier to provide the medical equipment for your patients at home. Join Today

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Medical Assistant

Medical Office

DMEconnected streamlines your ordering process, saving you time when ordering medical equipment and services. Join Today

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Case Manager/ Care Coordinator/Social Worker

Hospital / Care Facility

Help enhance your discharge time for patients, while saving them money on products and services. Join Today

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Medical Equipment Suppliers

Durable Medical Equipment Distributors / Manufacturers

Connect with Physicians and medical teams in our OmniChannel and receive ePrescribed orders for your products and services. Join Today

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Sales Representatives

Medical Sales Reps / Home Health Reps

Increase your presence with Referrals. Providers get your information, when they need it. Join Today

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Increase your patient referrals. Medical Providers will refer patients to you. Join Today

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Lab Services / PGx Testing

Carepoint Lab is a state-of-the-art medical testing laboratory located in Atlanta, Georgia, that provides nationwide testing services for the screening & diagnosis of various diseases and health conditions. Join Today

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Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers

Physicians serve as the primary source of awareness and information for patients. Providers can refer patients to The Recovery Village for Drug & Alcohol Treatment and Behavioral/Mental Health challenges.

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Durable Medical Equipment, DME, ePrescribe, Medical Devices, Medical equipment, Medical Sales Reps, Medical Supplies, Medicare, Parachute Health, DMEscripts, Tomorrow Health, Goscripts, Medical Assistants, Nurse, Care Coordination, Home Health, Carepoint Lab, Case Manager, Hospital discharge,